Best of Baltimore
Have you heard the news? We were named winners in this year's Baltimore Magazine "Best of Baltimore" edition! Chosen for the "Category Busters" award, we proudly share the spotlight with Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne, and our friends from Light City!
Light City Tracks 4
Today, we release the last of our Light City tracks! In this first track, we highlight our featured composer, Joel Puckett. While Symphony Number One focuses heavily on emerging composers just entering into their careers, we also have a deep love for modern masters like Puckett, Boulez, and Adams. Soloist Nicholas Bentz performs a new version of Joel Puckett's "Mint Julep," the finale from his violin concerto, Southern Comforts.
Weekend Roundup
Light City Tracks 3
Light City was an innovative way to bring arts, technology and people together, and we had a blast sharing such spunky, imaginative, beautiful music to the public.
We here at Symphony Number One are thrilled to bring a fresh variety of musical flavors to your plate, and we're buzzing with excitement
Light City Tracks 2
Two months ago, we were given the privilege to perform in Baltimore's inaugural Light City festival. Being on that colorful stage by the water made us feel like rock stars! Though time has flown by, we're still wading in the energetic wake of that performance.
New Photos
Stage at Harbor East
Update Roundup
So much has happened since our last concert! Where to even begin?
- Call for Scores 2 is alive and well, with over 90 applicants from 5 continents so far! Deadline is tonight! 11/30 at 11:30pm EST. via BmoreArt | via Symphno1
- We were accepted into the Light City festival! We were one of only 3 classical music groups accepted from over 100 applicants and were given a large contribution to extend our reach in the community. We couldn't be more thrilled! via Peabody Post | via Baltimore Magazine
- Our debut album is in stores now! It features music performed and recorded at the Baltimore War Memorial. Download via iTunes | CD via Amazon
- The reviews are coming in! We were featured in last weekend's Baltimore Sun arts section cover story as well as the Holidy Gift Guide. Look for a number of other features coming up!
- Our official Patreon campaign has launched! Check it out and take a look at a video of our October Concert:
- #CyberMonday: Our album is on sale directly on our Facebook page: special online price of $11 today only! via Facebook
- #GivingTuesday: Our Giving Tuesday campaign is underway and we need your help to finish our inaugural season strong! Read a brief note from our Executive Director here. Help us reach our season goal at
- UPDATE: Moments after we posted this update, we were notified that we are now verified on Facebook! That means you can now expect streaming concert videos directly in your feed! Check it out here!
Much more news is coming down the pipes, so stay tuned on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and join our mailing list at the bottom of our website!
Cover art for our debut album. Photo Credit: Maitreyi Muralidharan
We're verified! We'll be bringing you live footage directly in your Facebook feed in the months and years to come! Thanks Facebook!
Posted by Symphony Number One on Monday, November 30, 2015